Get Listed in the Rumble Alberta Business Directory

Choose the package that fits your budget

  1. Pick a package

  2. Account information

  3. Listing info

  4. Payment

Select your Plan
Higher plans are more prominently featured on our platform, so they generate more online visitor traffic in the locations you service.

Rumble Stop Special

Rumble Stop logo


CAD 5777CAD 57.77
/ 1 Year

Yearly Business Membership

Introductory Price graphic Rumble Alberta trans bg

CAD 17777CAD 177.77
/ 1 Year
Free for 30 Days

Placement on Regional Rumble Touring Map(s)

Placement on Rumble Stop Map

Featured Listing in the Rumble Alberta Business Directory w/Marketing Suite dashboard

Easily maintain your Rumble Specials, coupons & events in your Marketing Suite dashboard and we'll promote them on web & social media

Submit your press releases and travel content for publishing and promotion on web & social media

FREE Access for you and your staff to our on-line Leaning Platform at Take our Rider Friendly Training Program for Hotel & Motel Staff or choose from our growing menu of small business courses. 

Subscription to Rumble Alberta Newsletter

Discounts on banner advertising & custom marketing campaigns on your choice of 5 website

Featured in Rubber Tire Touring Magazine

Discounts on vacation packages at CMTA Travel Services

Engage with Rumble Alberta member participants in our Members Area Group

Network and Get Support in our Business Members Group

Passive Income Opportunities

Rumble Alberta Affiliate Program 

Create & sell courses at on our On-line Learning Centre 


Monthly Business Membership

Monthly plan Rumble Alberta trans bg

CAD 2777CAD 27.77
/ 1 Month

Do you prefer the flexibility of monthly payment? This package is for YOU!

Placement on Regional Rumble Touring Map(s)

Placement in Rumble Alberta Business Directory w/Marketing Suite dashboard

Easily maintain your specials, coupons & events in your Marketing Suite dashboard and we'll promote them on web & social media

Business placement on Travel-ing-on App with Rumble Stop Keyword

Your press releases and submitted content promoted on web & social media

Rumble Alberta Affiliate Program seat (make passive income)

Create courses at Rumble Alberta On-line Learning Centre (make passive income)

Subscription to Rumble Alberta Newsletter

Subscription to Our Alberta Touring Magazine

Discounts on banner advertising & custom marketing campaigns on your choice of 5 website

Discount on advertising in Our AB Touring Magazine

Discounts on vacation packages at CMTA Travel Services

Engage with Rumble Alberta member participants in our Members Area Group

Network and collaborate with other Alberta business owners and tourism stakeholders in our Business Members Group

No lock in contracts. Upgrade, downgrade or cancel your plan renewal anytime.